Training Curriculum: Warm Up / Cool Down

“Research shows that for best results in optimal hormonal production, the gym temperature should be 20 Celsius or 70 Farenheit. So if your gym is really cold, maybe you train in your garage, wear multiple layers, which you can take off as you warm up. If the gym is real cold wearing a tuque/skullcap/wollen hat helps, as roughly of your 10% body heat is lost through the head.

In a successful warm-up you need  teach the body two things: the range of motion, and that the weight will be heavy. Hence, you do the lift you are going to do for multiple sets of low reps. The best to warm for squats is squats. The best warm up for deadlifts is deadlifts…pretty simple concept.

 Warm Up / Prehab

1. Self Myofacial Release (SMR) / Foam Rolling

(Note: Foam Rolling contradicts with Kelly Starett’s philosophy of stimulating parasympathetic NS. Charles Poliquin thinks it “useless”. But Joe Defranco & Elliot Hulse use it)  

2. Mobility / General Movement Skills

Get the body moving

Skips, Jogging, Run Through’s, Side Shuffling.

2. Static / Openers

Sideways Squat

Saddle Stretch

Standing Pigeon

(Post training in most cases)

3. Activation

Y-Cuffs / YWT – Push Ups – Band Pullaparts – TKEs: Terminal Knee Extensions

(Closed kinetic chain exercise that strengthens the quads in a safer, more “functional” manner than Leg Extensions.)

Lunges (Walking/Reverse)

Ankle Mobility: 

Toe Touch Squat With Heel Lift

T-Spine Mobility:


Skipping/ Walk – BW Squats – Skipping Variations (High Knees) – High Knee Hold – Buttkicks – Carioca Shuffle – Lateral Groin Stretch (Push Hips Back) – Walking RDL –

Shoulder Dislocates (Band/Stick) (Shrug Shoulders Up On Movement/Wide Grip/Aim To Slowly Move Hands In Over Time)

Cat/Camel Mobilsation – KB Windmill – Lateral Dynamic Groin Stretch

5. Stimulate CNS: Ballistic

Finish with jump/sprint/throw: the stimulant that get’s you primed and ‘ready to perform’

Short 20m Sprint / Backwards Run Into – Short Sprint

Med Ball Throw


What about stretching?

“According to flexibility guru Ann Fredericks, author of “Stretch to Win“, PNF, not static stretching is the best type of stretching to perform before lifting weights, and I fully agree.  Fredericks believes that PNF stretching is superior to static stretching before a workout since it helps to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight or flight response). Static stretching should instead be performed post-workout since it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This would therefore help to relax the body following an intense workout.

In case you are not familiar, PNF stretching, an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation has been used for years and is most used by physical therapists and athletic trainers. PNF stretching is performed by first performing a static stretch for the target muscle and then contracting the muscle to be stretched isometrically, followed by performing the same static stretch for the target muscle. This type of stretching will allow you to stretch through a greater range of motion than with a traditional static stretch. The other benefit, as mentioned earlier, PNF stretching helps to “prime” your nervous system, allowing for a more productive strength-training workout.

If you want example of PNF stretching,  simply click here to see Chris Frederick in action with pro football client Ni’al Diggs.

Stretching is recommended to be done after the first warm up set, if need be. That first set should tell you what needs to be worked on.

So for example, you are squatting, and you feel you ankle extensors and quadriceps are tight. Go do some PNF stretching.” [Source]

Cool Down

Strength coach for the NFL’s Arizona Cardinals finishes every training session with the team with deep breathing with feet up against a wall.

Why? One, because learning to execute deep belly breathing is critical to daily life and moving well. (Further Explanation here)

Two, because it stimulates the PNS. The faster you can lower your cortisol from the high stress you just put on your body the better chance you’ll give yourself to gain muscle mass and strength.


Bicep Hand Rotation Wall Stretch

Hip/Glute: Leg over knee

Groin: Side Lunge Hold

Hamstring: (Leg Cross / Over Bench)

Chest: Band Behind Back Hold




The key to a proper assessment is what you do with the information that you obtained during the assessment.

Aim To Perform

Fundamental Movement Patterns

In Order To See

Relative Strength / Mobility / General Conditioning

By Using 

Body Weight Squats

1. Charles Poliquin On Squats

(Covers: Biomechanics / Knee’s over toes debate / Half squats vs deep (ATG) squat)

General Indicators:

Feet rotate out as they squat = tight hip rotates / poor ankle mobility

Heels raise of the ground = poor ankle mobility / tight hip flexors

Knees Valguas (collapse inwards) = tight adductors / weak hip rotators / Weak VMO (Vastus Medalis)

Can’t keep their spine neutral = tight hip flexors / weak core

Upper back rounding can’t keep chest up = weak upper back / tight pecs

Short Sprint

If they take short choppy steps / can’t fully extend when their foot touches the ground  = tight hip flexors / weak hip extensors

Rotating side to side when they run = weak core, rotational muscles of the spine are going to need to be addressed

Short choppy arm action = lengthen their internal rotators / strengthen external rotators + upper back

Can’t drive knees up past 60 degrees = tight / inhibited hip flexors / they’re just fat

Landmine Rotation